Although I was once a skeptic, I truly now never leave home without some collection of essential oils in my purse! My entire family uses them daily and they have changed our lives so much that I cannot be without a few of them, no matter where I may be going. Here are the ones you’ll always find with me!
Stress Away Roll-On: Whether I’m sitting in a security line or trapped in a car for hours with a cranky, potty-training two-year-old, I am one quick dab away from serenity with my Stress Away Roll On!
Thieves Roller: I never throw a bottle away that I’ve just finished! I always fill it with a carrier oil and pop a roller ball in there to extend the life of the oil! I carry Thieves with me and use it as an immune system boost – sitting on an airplane or being in a stuffy hotel room is like asking for a cold. I love knowing that Thieves can help me avoid catching anything nasty! I rub it on the bottom of my feet and the base of my spine a few times a day.
My Happy Blend: In the bottle with the striped washi tape, because I’m fancy like that, is a blend of Peppermint for a energy boost and Joy for an emotional boost and topped off with jojoba oil as a carrier. When I’m cranky or need a little pep-me-up, I rub this on the inside of my wrists and boom! Instant happy in a bottle.
Tummy Blend: In my Peppermint bottle is a combo of peppermint, Digize, and Peace and Calming. Upset tummies are no match for this little blend!
Peace and Calming: This is another roller bottle blend I take with me everywhere, namely because Jett thinks he needs to slather himself with it on his way home from school (and honestly, I tend to agree!) We are all a little happier when the Peace and Calming is out!
Tranquil: Like everyone else, I am a creature of habit and I like to have things just so! Seeing as how my body pillow and ceiling fan won’t fit in my carry on, I love to take Tranquil with me to help me get a good night’s sleep where ever I may be crashing!
Deep Relief: This is tension relief to the max! I spend a lot of time hunched over a computer at my desk and this oil is great for easing tight muscles and tension in my neck, shoulders, and upper back. Plus it smells amazing!
Breathe Again: Nothing is worse for your sinuses than a dried out airplane or a stuffy hotel room. Breathe Again is to my rescue and gives my respiratory system a break when it is struggling!
If you happen to catch me out and about, 99% of the time I’ll have all of these with me, so don’t be shy if you want to try any of them! Ha! I’ll be glad to share my love for oils and how they have changed my life! If you have any questions about using oils just leave me a comment and I’ll be happy to answer them for you!
I am a big fan of essential oils. I've used lavender and now using eucalyptus to keep my skin from peeling during pregnancy! This is such a great list. So relaxing and de stressing! I must try the roll ons. Thank you for sharing !!
The roll ons are amazing!! Tranquil is literally the most amazing smelling thing I have ever used and it has improved my sleep so much! Thanks for coming by Koninika!
Wow these look so so good. I've never really used oils, as I've honestly never thought about it. I believe they would work really well so I'm going to go out and try a few, and who knows maybe a few of these will now be my travel essentials. The happy blend and stress away oils look fab to me 🙂 thanks for the recommendations.
Oils have really changed our lives around here! If you have any questions about getting started or what kind of oils would be best for you I'm happy to answer them 🙂
Thanks for these suggestions! I really need to start exploring essential oils more. I read so much about them, but only use peppermint and eucalyptus for my sinuses when sick or to stay alert and lavender for my pillow to relax at night.
Hey Tara! Thanks for stopping by! Oils have changed the way we do so many things around here! I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have about them!
I picked up a couple bottles of essential oils a few months back but in all honest I don't think I go the right stuff and I have no idea what the heck I am supposed to do with them! I should have gotten some least I know I can use that for sleep but Lemon? What am I supposed to do with that?
Hi! Lemon is energizing, so if you are tired… 🙂
Hey Heather! Lemon is great for energy – I love to put a drop of it in my water bottle! (Just be sure you use a glass bottle and not a plastic one.) You can also use it for cleaning – it is great for getting sticky residue off stuff! It makes your house smell so fresh! There are a lot of uses for it 🙂 Thanks for stopping by and let me know if you have any other questions!
I haven't gotten on the oil train yet. I like the idea of stress away and something to help me sleep.
Stress Away and Tranquil are my two besties! Thanks for coming by Sarah!
I have been hooked on EO. I need more of the roll ons to have to put in my bag for the gym or when I am out and about. I have only been using my EO for about a month and I am so fascinated by it all!
I've been on the oil train for a bout a year now and they have really changed our lives! I was super skeptical at first but now I can't live without them! Thanks for coming by Elly!
Are they really helpful? I am also very sceptic about them, but I hear so many positive reviews
Yes yes absolutely! They have changed our lives so much! We are sick way less often and I've replaced a lot of chemicals in our house with natural alternatives. We are so happy we have oils now! I'd love to answer any questions you have!
I lov essential oils. I'm relatively new to them and have so much to learn.
They are so helpful Jill! You will love learning about all that they can do. If you ever have any questions I'd be happy to help you!
I love this list of essential oils. I am actually diffusing a lemon one right now. It helps wake me up while I am working.
I ususally diffuse lemon with something but I'm going to have to try it on its own now that you have said this! I bet it smells amazing! Thanks so much for stopping by!
I love keeping essential oils handy in the roller applicators. I really need to learn more about ones other than Lavendar.
Roll-ons make them so easy to have with you and use all the time. I'd be happy to answer any questions you have!
I just love my oils and definitely don't leave the at home when I travel! You never know when you might need them!
That is so true!!! I'm more concerned about taking my oils with me than anything else now days! ha! Thanks for stopping by Courtney!
I think I'll make the jump and definitely try essential oils! I need that one for my airplane trips, got the troube breathing is soo bad.
I'd be happy to help you get started or answer any questions you have! Thanks so much for stopping by!
Its a great idea to travel with essential oils! I dont always use them but they do really help me relax