My husband and I are right in the middle of buying our first house (in fact, only 1 hour and 42 minutes until we hear back on our third and final counter offer) and, in due time, neathering our fest.
Why neathering our fest? Mostly because Feathering our Nest was taken and, cute as it was, I could not convince the blogger who owned it that I really really deserved it.
Secondly, this is our first time around at this. So, it may take a little more neathering our fest than feathering our nest as we start projects, figure out that there is no way in the world it will ever really work that way, tear it out, start over and try it again. We fully expect to mess up, get paint in our eyes and on our dogs, and possibly knock a hole or two in a wall along the way.
Thirdly, my husband has this very cute little story about Rindercella who slopped her dripper (really – its worth telling but I can’t remember it all right now) and I thought that this name injected a little bit of his personality into it too!
So, this blog is to document our journey. For us, so that when we have to start over, we can look back and see how far we have really come, and for our family, since none of them live close enough to come over and visit (ahem, HELP) on a daily basis!
I am also going to write about things and people who inspire me, so it will be a drawing board of sorts; a place to organize thoughts and pictures and ideas so that all this stuff swirling around in my head will have a place to land. Who knows, I might just make a friend or two in the process!
One main inspiration for this blog was Layla Palmer at, whose work I adore and her go-get-it attitude was really a push for me in a right direction.
For right now, I thank her. I hope I have the poise she does when something I attempt fails and I have to start over.
Thanks for reading, if you did.