one of the biggest changes our house will see over the course of the next few weeks is changing my husband’s cluttered stinky beloved man cave into a nursery for our wee bairn.
someone hold me.
in my husband’s defense – we did just finish with hunting season so typically, the room isn’t quite this bad throughout the year.
i don’t really have an idea set in stone for this space quite yet but that doesn’t matter because we have a lot of work to do before we can even begin to focus on this space!
so this is really just a list – to have it written down somewhere – of all the small projects that will eventually add up to a completely made over house (including a shiny nursery with peacefully sleeping baby.)
living room:
1. get rid of the television and behemoth tv stand in the living room – done!
2. get smaller tv stand and television for living room – done!
3. paint living room while it is already a disaster area – in process!
(yes – i definitely put these on here just so i could mark them off! 😉
4. craigslist couch and buy new, smaller couch with an ottoman
5. build a coffee table to replace the long skinny one that doesn’t work with the space
6. paint the black cabinets white and trim out to make them look more cohesive
7. move gun cabinet into the living room. (sacrifices must be made people!)
8. we have a closet in the living room that is currently full of unused crafting supplies that will be come the “man-cave-closet” so that will need to be cleaned out!
9. chris says we will eventually put down some laminate floors in here (makes me giddy!) but this isn’t essential right now. but i’d still like to have it done!
half bathroom:
this is the bathroom in our bedroom that chris uses. i don’t go in here unless totally necessary. i gave it a makeover last year (check it out here) so not much will change but we will be adding some simple shelving so we can store our towels in here instead of the hall closet.
laundry room:
i hate this room more than any other room in our house. it is getting some major changes!
1. get rid of ancient water heater and replace with tankless water heater.
2. move the washer and dryer to sit side-by-side (and the angels sang hallelujah!)
3. of course i’d like to paint it a fun color in the middle of all this – we will see how that goes!
4. remove tiny cabinet set and replace with simple open shelving to provide a ton more storage (freeing up hall closet space, kitchen cabinet space, and able to get rid of the cabinet in there!)
5. re-purposing the other set of cabinets in there as a storage unit for all things home improvement related.
(PS – will you please all leave lots of comments about how brilliant open shelving is and how this will really help with our storage issues and it will not affect the resale value of my house? i need some help convincing chris. he thinks the cabinets are better.)
guest room:
this is a terribly old picture but for now it will have to do. the main thing in here is to possibly replace the full size bed with a daybed/trundle to free up a little space for moving some of the man cave furniture in here. it is still up for discussion though – we haven’t made any final decisions.
for the most part this is everything that will need to be done before Poke makes his/her big arrival in july. need is a relative term – this is all the stuff that will make mama feel like she isn’t overwhelmed when she walks in the door with this tiny baby and feels like she has nowhere to put it. 😉
if any of you have suggestions as to some other ideas please feel free to throw them out there! i’m all ears and would love some advice from my momma friends!
vanessa says
Congrats on the baby! I am due in June and last weekend we started cleaning out Eric's man room. I've also made the list of house things that I was hoping to have done by January but the baby is already in control and none of those things have been done. I'm on board with the shelf idea, especially in the laundry room, it looks like the cabinet takes up some valuable space to and makes the room look smaller. I think we are ready to blow our house up and start over!
Erin @ His and Hers says
Congratulations, Skye and Chris!! I couldn't handle open shelving for storage only because I am a SLOB who likes to shove things haphazardly behind closed doors. But I love how they look, for sure, when organized people use them. 🙂
Kelly @ View Along the Way says
Open shelving is the STUFF. You can quote me on that. And good luck with the man cave to nursery transformation. You have your work cut out!