Tracking your progress is essential in any goal that you set – it helps you stay motivated and see how far you’ve come! Hang this free printable emergency fund tracker where you can see it every day!
Now that we are finally through Baby Step 2, it is time to build up our 3-6 month emergency fund! This is where it gets exciting for me! To see our money stay in our account and build up month over month is thrilling, especially after paying out thousands of it each month in debt payments. We used a debt snowball tracker to keep up with our debt so it just seemed natural to switch over to this emergency fund tracker now!
Emergency Fund Tracker
You should hang this somewhere that you see it every day, all the time. We keep ours hanging on our fridge, right above the water dispenser. I spend quite a bit of time right there every day, filling up my water bottle, so it gives me ample opportunity to be reminded of what our goal is!
Every time we add money to our emergency fund, I’ll update that month’s square with the amount (in pencil, so I can erase and add it together as much as needed), and then add it to the running total. It is very simple, but a very powerful visual and physical reminder to keep me on track!
As the spender in our relationship, I can very easily justify buying just about anything, so I need something I can look at and see every day to remind me.
You can download your own free Emergency Fund Tracker below!
I would love to see your tracker in use! Email me a photo and I will add it to this post to inspire other people too!
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