you probably have presents left to wrap, maybe even some left to buy, cookies to bake, dinner to prepare, a house to clean and carolers to serve hot chocolate to.
today i’d like to invite you to sit down, right here with me, and relax a little bit. stop all thought of the to-do lists. pretend it is all to-done. close your eyes, lean back, take a deep breath and imagine you are in a hot bubble bath with relaxing music playing. your hubby just brought you a glass of wine and took the kids to the movies for the evening.
it is time, after a harried holiday season, to pamper yourself. every woman deserves a beautiful and timeless treat every once in a while, right? maybe something like this…
light as a feather: gold feather necklace
talk about a gorgeous & timeless piece of jewelry! and guess what – today is your lucky day!
shabby apple is giving away one gold feather necklace to one of my lucky readers today!
Aubrey says
Ok. I love love love this necklace.
And that photo of it. Amazeballs.
I have been one busy gal this month like every other gal!
I did decide to have a lovely etsy gal make me a pair of custom ear rings to go with a lovely necklace I have but have not been wearing it because I had no ear rings that were even close. Yay! I don't even feel a little bit guilty 😉
Sarah {the fontenot four} says
Love this giveaway!!
Melissa says
I always end up finding things I want while xmas shopping. I may end up buying just a few of them!
Jen @ says
Thanks for having the giveaway, beautiful necklace! Not much time for pampering this month, but I have had quite a few pajama days after the kids get to school! :o)
Katie Baba Nielson says
love this necklace! woohoo!
christy says
i have been wanting this necklace. my fingers are crossed. Thanks for the giveaway!
yanuzo at hotmail dot com
Kelly @ View Along the Way says
This necklace is GORGEOUS. I think I would wear it every single moment. Thanks for the giveaway!
Chelsea says
I treat myself to a hot cocoa EVERY night. Not even kidding– it helps me relax and unwind and it's just the perfect hot drink 🙂
Kelsey says
What a gorgeous necklace!!
Heather says
i'm pretty sure that i would wear this necklace every day of my life! i have been trying to win a shabby apple SOMETHING forever! so it would be beyond awesome to win this. 🙂
Kristine @ JandMs Eye Candy says
SO pretty! Thanks for the chance!
Erin Sanchez says
I enlisted the help of my hubby to allow me a HOT, no toddler included shower 😉 That was a great pamper 😉
Keeley McGuire says
haven't had much pampering time, but just waking up a bit early to sit, sip on coffee, and enjoy the tree ambiance is very zen! i love it.
Life, Crafts and Whatever says
Morning times are "me" time. Checking the internet, catching up on bad TV and just relaxing with the dog before the kids get up.